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Create your Eviction and Renewal Notices (Commercial)

Where is the property located?

EnglandBuilt for England
Different countries have different rules and regulations. Your Eviction and Renewal Notices (Commercial) will be customised for England.

Type of Notice

The Section 25 Notice is a form used by a landlord to either:
    1. end a tenancy with a proposal to start a new tenancy or
    2. end a tenancy with reasons for refusing a new tenancy.

Frequently Asked Questions
How does a Section 25 form work?A Section 25 Notice can be served by a landlord upon a tenant. If the landlord wishes to end the commercial tenancy and does not wish to enter into a new lease with the tenant, the landlord must send the Section 25 Notice to the tenant and must state in the Notice the reasons for the landlord's refusal to renew the tenancy, which must be in terms of section 30 of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954. The tenant then has two options: if the tenant is happy for the tenancy to come to an end, no further action is required and the lease will terminate upon the date specified in the Section 25 Notice. Alternatively, if the tenant wants the tenancy to be renewed and wishes to oppose to the landlord's refusal, the tenant can make a court application for renewal of the tenancy.

If the landlord wishes to renew the tenancy, it can propose terms for the new tenancy in the Section 25 Notice. Although the tenant does not have to respond to the Section 25 Notice in these circumstances, the parties will usually wish to be in contact with one another with a view to negotiating the terms of the new lease.
How does a Section 26 form work?A Section 26 Notice is served by a tenant upon a landlord. A tenant should serve a Section 26 Notice in circumstances where they wish to request a new tenancy and should set out the proposed terms for that new tenancy in the Notice. If a landlord does not wish to grant the new tenancy, it will have a two month period from the date of receipt of the Section 26 Notice in which to oppose the new tenancy by serving a counter-notice upon the tenant. (Note: the opposition must be for one or more of the reasons specified in section 30 of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954). If the parties are unable to agree then either party may apply to the court to end the tenancy or to grant a new tenancy.

Landlord Details


Landlord Contact Information

e.g. Street, City, County, Postcode

If the landlord lives in a different country or would like all notices sent to a different address, then select "Yes".

Tenant Details


Contact Information

e.g. Street, City, County, Postcode

Let Premises

What is the address of the premises?
e.g. Street, City, County, Postcode

When will the tenancy expire?

Notice Periods in England

Note: This notice must be served not less than six nor more than twelve months before the expiry date specified in the notice. Neither party can ask for the tenancy to end or renew prior to the expiry date in the lease.

Provisions of New Tenancy


When will the new tenancy begin?

Frequently Asked Questions
Can I include a separate new tenancy agreement?Yes. You can include a separate new business lease that outlines your proposed new tenancy, instead of including this detail. Consider a Commercial Lease Agreement, which is a separate agreement that provides more detail.

Signing Details

Who will sign this notice?

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